有关"Thursday Island"的一切

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 08:03:55

Sunday, May 14, 2006

what a nite
suprise gathering with Angela, Mon Mon and friends, thanks Angela for taking us to such a nice cafe (and i remember how to get there! won't get lost next time, ok?) hope we didn't bored the non st cat friends~ u know we just can't stop talking about the old days (oh no, we're getting old!)

i got a really bad memory or what? how come i'm always the only one who dun recall the past? maybe angela is right, i was too concentrated on what i was doing (or thinking) and ignore what happened around me! fortunately there's angela who remembered EVERYTHING~~

clubbing with Nat, Mr H, Chloe, Mon Mon and friends~ (unexpected combination for me) luckily things turn out good! cant believe how small the world can be, we're all connected somehow~

easy to get addicted to those sort of enviroments~ alcohol with music & endless laughter... somehow my brain can stop thinking for a while and enj